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Ainsley Croil

Photo of Ainsley Croil

Vice Principal & Learning Support Teacher

My Deep Hope: To walk with our school community, as we strive to cultivate and develop our gifts to passionately serve God.

The 2023-2024 schoolyear will mark my fourth year as Vice-Principal and Learning Support Teacher at Immanuel Christian Elementary School. My journey to ICES started at the University of Alberta where I received my Bachelor of Education degree. From there, my teaching career began in Warner and onto High River. During my time in High River, my husband and I took a pause on our careers and pursued our graduate degrees in England. Returning to Canada, I taught in Longview until moving closer to family in Lethbridge. I joined Lethbridge School Division in the role of Learning Support Teacher at Senator Buchanan School until I got a Vice-Principal position at Coalbanks Elementary School. When the position at ICES became available in 2020, it was a calling that God truly had his hand over. The chance to teach and lead in a Christian school environment is an amazing opportunity that I cherish. I look forward to many more years at ICES as I raise my family in this community of believers.

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."   Isaiah 55:12

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