Lorinda Molenaar

Educational Assistant
My Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is to inspire every child to celebrate their God-given, creative potential, to believe in themselves and to feel accepted and cherished.
Working with children is something I always knew I wanted to do! After graduating from ICSS, I started this journey by going to Lethbridge Community College and taking the Early Childhood Education program. I worked in a daycare, a summer program, and then started at ICES in 1999. I took a few years off to be home with my three girls and started back here again in 2010. I appreciate the community we have here at ICES and love that my part in God’s story is being played out here. Our children are all unique and I am passionate about helping them build and celebrate their God-given, creative potential.
When I am not at work I like to camp, explore God’s creation, bake, play games or read. I am so thankful for the many great people in my life who I get to do that with!