Alan Riewe

Grade 5A
My Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is to help students explore that they are active participants in God's Story and that the role we play can have a afar more reaching effect than we can ever know!
The 2023-2024 will be my 9th year of teaching and my 8th year here at ICES. I grew up in Lethbridge and then moved to Edmonton for post-secondary. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Taylor University and a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta. After I completed my Education degree my wife Jennifer, who is also a teacher, and I decided to move back to Lethbridge pursue our education careers. I taught High School Social Studies for a year before God brought me to ICES.
My wife and I have two amazing sons who are 7 and 4. Our oldest is a student at ICES and our youngest will be joining him next year. Our family loves to go on long road trips and explore new places during the summer.
I am excited to start another year teaching Grade 5 at ICES. I am passionate about helping every student find success in my classroom and truly love that I have the opportunity to come along side them in their walk with God.