Jackie Postman

Grade 3B
My Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is that my students will thrive while they learn to trust in Him through the challenges of exploring and growing as loved children, a valued part of God's story.
When I first came to ICS it was a K-12 building and I was newly married finishing up my final semester of student teaching. It was 1990. I was very thankful to get a job at ICS for the Fall teaching Grade 3. 33 years later I still love this school. Let me share why. Throughout my years of teaching-then subbing-then parenting-and teaching again I have always learned more about what it is to be a Christ follower. I have learned from fellow staff members-often through devotions on Mondays and at staff meetings. I have learned from the praise and worship times I have been privileged to be part of each year. I have learned from your children’s questions and responses in the classroom. It is no exaggeration to say that Immanuel Christian Schools has helped my faith to grow and enrich. Thank you!
I also love teaching your children. I love their individual characters and enjoy interacting with the classes I get to teach. Highlights are when we connect as a class community, when life and faith intersect and we all get to share in that moment of spiritual growth. I am thankful to still be a part of ICS and I appreciate the people around me both small and tall who also help me in my faith journey each year. It is always my prayer that my students will see glimpses of our Saviour through me. I always appreciate your prayers as I and other staff work with your children and journey in the “plans God has for us, to prosper and not to harm us, to give us hope and a future” in Him.