Freda Middel

Grade 3A & Grades 1 - 3 Music
My Deep Hope: My Deep Hope is for my students to understand, value and celebrate being a part of God's Story and desiring to worship Him in joyful service.
It is a joy and privilege to be a part of the family here at ICES. I came from the West Coast, received my Education degree at Dordt University in Iowa and taught my first two years here at ICES. My husband and I moved to La Crete, AB, where we both taught. We returned to Lethbridge where we raised our five children, became involved in ICS as parents and as teachers at ICSS and ICES.
Returning to the classroom has been a blessing as I see God at work in the lives of all our children, and recognizing we are a part of God’s story and his amazing creation. It is a gift and a joy to be able to sing and make music with our children, giving God all the glory!